So I'm fairly new to the world of card making. And while I like cards, they tend to annoy me because I find them to be too small for a lot of artwork. I know this is not true in most cases because I have seen some truly wonderful cards, but I'm used to working on large surfaces. So while surfing youtube one day I found a tutorial from splitcoaststampers on the easel card. And I fell in love. I have previously posted a easel card I made for a coworker (who loved it), but I thought I would post my first two attempts at it. Please excuse the poor lighting as they were taken from my phone. That's one of my goals of late, to not use my phone so much for photos! I promise I will get better :) Both cards are made with Graphic 45 papers, Le Romance, and Magic of OZ. Thanks for visiting!-Altina R.
A whimsical and odd look at the world of mixed media.